About me
I am A. F., I sign my code as Ayef because it's easier to type.
I'm an artist and my socials are:
There is nothing else about me that needs to be told.

About project dream
back story
This story needs to start from the beginning, on 2017 I wanted an alternative career because being an artist was not cutting it and because my dad is a computer technicians I decided to study to do the same and after doing my first repair job I released that having to handle costumers that have very simple problems or very complicated problems was too much for me.
I decided that maybe programing was a better choice and decided to study C to be able to contribute to the the React OS project and I don't know if it was the book I used to learn from or if C is really that hard but for years I was miserable and didn't learn much the only thing that kept me going was the desire of making a game but by 2020 I understood C will never be the tool for that and decided to abandon it.
I don't know when but I played Mighty No 9 and its badness left an impression on me, I felt that with some sanding and polishing it could be a great game and sicne then I started to toy with ideas of mine on how to make a game, a mega man clone to fix all the mistakes that Mighy No 9 made. On a similar vein, very recently I played Balan Wonderwold and it had the same effect on me, I don't think it's a bad game but thinking about improving it makes my imagination run wild.
how this page came to be
I'm not sure if you can guess by reading this but after failing at C and seeking alternatives I landed on javascript and web technologies in general as my platform of choice. I decided to add HTML and CSS because javascript can hardly be separated from those two and that's why I made this website, so at least learning them was justified. I still don't have much experience with javascript so this website will be a museum of my grow and hopefully not a mausoleum for when I give up.
I debated a lot about what to name this site and how should it look, I wanted a corporate name that summoned an image of retro japanese developers like Capcom, Taito or Data East and make a website with a proper corporate feel but my indecition made me take the completely opposite route and make Project Dream, because this is the project of my dream game, corporate image can come later and that's why I settled this rustic image for the site because it's a personal site but some day it will be a corporate site made with a 960 grid and full of games.
plans for the future
right now I hope to have a simple path to follow, do two or three simple web apps and then move to do at least ten out of the 20 Games Challenge and then work on my dream project. I know all of this will take a very long time but I've already accpted that, it hurts.